Thursday, July 2, 2015

Warm Lake and The Gluch's

Sometimes life presents us with some funny coincidences.  I recently wrote an article featuring Warm Lake.  I've been visiting the area for years for fishing, scenery, and hot springs.  However, for my husband’s family Warm Lake and North Shore Lodge has been a favored family vacation spot for nearly thirty years.  Many, many family memories are centered around time spent on the beautiful high-mountain lake. 
My husband and his brothers tell stories of the bears who used to be so plentiful in the area that they were frequent night time visitors, poking their black heads into the circles of light from the cabin's front porch lights. My husband and I announced our engagement to his family while on a trip to the lake. Our daughter has spent most of her Fourth of July’s at the little lake blissfully unaware of the crowds or fireworks she was missing back home in the Treasure Valley. 

Warm Lake is a special and magical place.  It is a place that is hard to leave; a small slice of heaven in the Idaho backcountry. So I wrote about it and posted it to my blog, with the hopes of sharing that special, out-of-the-way location with others.

The following morning, to my delight, the Idaho Statesman printed their own article about Warm Lake, which featured a photo of my family who were visiting the week before.  It matters little to me which article drives a visitor to the lake and lodge, what is important is that they go and get a taste of what makes Idaho so special.  It is in this spirit that I  and the Statesman both share these destination articles, for these special far-flung places depend on the next generation of visitors to keep them alive and well. I've provided a link below to share with you the Statesman article and photo.

This desire to share these heavenly places has been a driving force in my life for the last four years as I've worked to complete my book, "Under My Idaho Sky" which is scheduled for publication this fall with Mill Park Publishing. The book features numerous backcountry Idaho locals and contains maps and photos of those areas.  In my home and life we use the phrase "Sharing is caring." And there is little I care about more than my magnificent home. My book is a reflection of that caring. If you are interested in reading about more of these backcountry destinations please continue to visit my blog for further information on the upcoming release date.